Monday, January 12, 2009

Dead Thoughts Memory shoot

First things first.. never shoot at the beach during the winter with 20 mph + winds.


Anyways, I seem to have more and more bands contacting me for shoots which is pretty cool. I have a pretty big shoot coming up at the end of the month so hopefully I do my part on that one. I am getting a little off topic so let me get my thoughts back on track.

Dead Thoughts Memory is a local hardcore band and they are pretty awesome. This shot is one of the TWO we got that night because I raised my white flag to the high winds and cold weather. Setting up a large softbox started to become a pain and my hands were close to frozen.

I wanted to keep the light very simple but very dramatic at the same time so I stuck with 1 light source. I ended up using an AB1600 and a Large softbox(thanks Candace, love you!)

But yeah here are the shots.. I mean here is the shot. We are shooting again this week and I am stoked because I am tired of shooting at night time! Stay tuned..

Dead Thoughts Memory

click to view larger on flickr.. as usual